Graphics In New Spider-Man Are Good


Aiden Dix, Reporter

Spider-man is a newly released game for the PlayStation 4 only. I have been playing the game since it came out on ,and I have been enjoying the game very much.

Insomniac Games are the developers of Spider-man and other very popular games like Ratchet & Clank and Sunset Overdrive.

Spider-man has great graphics during game play, especially during the cut scenes. A lot of people are amazed by the way that the game has produced.

Spider-man has been such a good game that some Game stop stores in Shrewsbury  have run out of copies,

At a regular price, a brand new Spider-man game would be $59.99, and if you wanted to get a pre-owned version, it would be a five dollar difference at $54.99.

There are ways to save, though. If you have a Power Rewards card it would cost $49.49.

The game Spider-man takes place in New York City, where you play the whole game taking on bad people such as  and taking out enemies. Spider-man, just like Batman, doesn’t kill people, and all of his weapons are non-lethal such as his spider webs 

This Spider-Man game is really just a high-definition sequel to the 2004 Spider-Man 2 and both share some of the same systems.

Another comparison is that the game is just like the movies and books just later on in life where he has grown up and has been aging, so he knows how he knows how to control his powers and knowing the better ways to attack people with the powers he has.

In addition, there are references to other movies and games; while you’re flying in the sky with your webs grappling onto  buildings, you will spot The Avengers building and the Wakanda Embassy.

Also in the game is the level-up system, which will help you when you are in combat. It makes you a stronger defender. That means you can take more hits or bullet shots.

Then, the last one would be the webs-linger attribute, which makes you able to get around faster and perform more and wrap enemies up better.

Another cool feature inside the world of Peter Parker, is the ability to customize his outfit with 25 different outfits. How you get these outfits varies. Most of the outfits you can get by just playing and going through the story, but some you need to collect certain items around the map.