Is Hunting Bad for the Animals?
Is hunting good or bad? Many people have different opinions about it. For example, those who live in the country and hunt for many reasons know it’s an important part of livelihood, but vegans think it is cruel.
Personally, I think hunting is good and fun. Some people think that it hurts the population. But hunting doesn’t do that because it manages wildlife population. It also keeps nature at a healthy balance.
Hunting also is good because there are people less fortunate than others. So if they can hunt then that is a much cheaper way to get food and survive. You can also use there hide as bedding or as a blanket.
It helps with predators, it helps with the crop production, it is a good stress reliever just being outside. It helps you get good exercise and many more reasons why hunting is great.
Hunting can help you mature in character. Can help prevent car accidents between cars and wildlife.
It also helps foster family bonding. Everyone gets to reconnect in a new environment and see one another through fresh eyes. You get to strengthen your foundation through teamwork and encouragement.
Hunting is much appreciated by the farmers for some reasons. One reason is some animals destroy crops and eat them and tear the ground up. Another reason is predators like coyotes will kill there livestock like calves or whatever is smaller so it is good to be able to hunt them