Mr. Vojcsik

Scott Vojscik

Next school year, you won’t be hearing his famous catchphrases (“You lie like a rug” or “Do not, do not, do not..”) echoing through the halls, because social studies teacher Scott Vojcsik will retire in one month.

“I love Mr.Vojcsik’s humor,” said sophomore Hannah Carl. 

Vojcsik graduated from Gettysburg college in 1978 and he was 22 years old. He had gone to school for business and became a paper salesman post-graduation. At this job, you’re paid based on what you sell. 

After 15 years in that profession, Vojcsik realized that he didn’t want to be a salesman for the rest of his life. So, he went back to school for two years to earn his teaching certificate. 

Vojcsik’s teaching career started here early in November of 1996, in what is now the middle school (before our current high school was built).

“I did not have a room and my books and resources were on a cart. It was very difficult,” he said.

Vojscik has taught all four grade levels and the courses that he’s taught are: history, World Cultures, Civics and Economics, AP US History, and impact of sports. His favorite class of these to teach was AP US History because he loves learning about historical events. 

After 26 years of teaching, Vojcsik is retiring from teaching at the end of the current school year. 

During his past years of teaching, Vojscik has gone to bed early in order to wake up at three A.M. each day to workout. During these workouts, he often runs on a treadmill, lifts weights, or exercises on his elliptical. 

While teaching is a time consuming job, especially for fathers who are away from their children for eight hours a day for five days a week, school was never an issue for Vojcsik regarding family time. 

Over his retirement, he is hoping to spend more time with his three grandchildren. 

Vojscik said, “We see them at least one time per month as we babysit them for a weekend. We just enjoy being with them. They are at an age where they are starting to be more involved in sports. Watching them be involved and active outside is very fun”

Other than this, he’s just figuring it out as he goes. “I don’t have any specific plans [for retirement], but I know that I will find something,” Vojscik said. 

Throughout his years of teaching, there are some things that Voijsck wishes that he had done differently. If he could go back to his first year of teaching, he would have taken pictures of all of his classes because every teacher will tell you the best part of this job is the memories with their students. 

Through observing his classes, he has discovered the qualities that all good students possess.

He said, “Students that give effort each and every day in class when possible, are organized, and want to learn [are good students].” 

These kinds of students are the kind that Vojcsik will be the ones that he will surely remember and miss once he retires. Along with this, he will also miss the interaction with staff and students. 

“I love Mr.Vojcsik’s sarcasm, it really brightens my mood.” said current Civic and Economics student Allysen Stewart. 

His involvement with the students wasn’t strictly limited to the classroom, he also coached a baseball team in 2001 that made it to the District and State championships. He continued to coach this team for nine years. 

“I will always remember the baseball team I coached in 2001 that made it to the District Championships and went to the states.” 

Students will definitely miss this pillar of the social studies department. 

“Mr.Vojcsik makes taking notes enjoyable and makes sure to make all of his students feel included” said sophomore and current student of his, Maddy Almoney.

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