New German Teacher Frau Farrell

Kelsey Cole, Reporter

As a new school year starts there are many new faces in the hallways, and not all of them are students. 

Brittany Farrell is the new German teacher. Farrell started to create her path when she graduated from Millersville University in 2011, with a Bachelor’s of Arts (BA) in German, Spanish, and International Studies. 

When she graduated she went to Germany to teach English to German students as part of “Yoyo-Camps Sprachferien fuer Kinder” in and around Berlin, Germany in the summer of 2012. Later on, she got her post-baccalaureate teaching certification. 

She started teaching at Aberdeen High School in 2014 and also immediately began her Masters of Arts, Languages, and Cultures in German, which she received in 2019.

Interestingly, it was never her intention to become a teacher.  “I did not always want to be a teacher, because I suffer from a fear of public speaking. After teaching English to German students as a summer job, I quickly realized how rewarding teaching is and knew it was meant for me.”

Her love of teaching brought her back to her alma mater this year–13 years after graduating from high school.

She has fond memories of her time here.“My favorite teachers included the newly retired Mrs. Kern, who inspired me to study German and pursue it as a career. She was always upbeat and fun and truly cared about us as individuals. 

“I also love Mrs. Lloyd. She is an exceptional teacher and has such a passion for English. She challenged me through my writing and to be creative. By my junior year, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in German. I thought I would be a translator or work in an office using my language skills, but I quickly realized my calling for teaching.”

Her maiden name was Logana, so teachers will recall her by that name. She was an active student. “While at KDHS, I was an NHS and GNHS member. I played lacrosse and cheered and won ‘Most Spirited’ cheerleader. Outside of school, I played soccer and loved dancing, which I continued in college.”

Coming back as a teacher is exciting and scary enough, but this year she comes back to pandemic teaching. “This is a new position for me, but I am glad to return to in-person teaching because I think students benefit more from face-to-face learning. My hybrid and virtual students are working very hard in class and are also participating as much as possible,” she said.  

Teaching is a passion, even during the struggles of COVID-19. 

“I hope to inspire students to challenge themselves by learning a foreign language. I also wish to motivate students to become lifelong learners, who always push themselves to dream big and achieve their goals,” she said.

In addition to her work with students in class, Farrell would like to be more involved with the students in other ways, too. “As a new teacher at Kennard-Dale, I am hoping to become more involved. In my previous position, I coached men’s volleyball, women’s lacrosse, cheerleading and tennis. I was also the German NHS sponsor and a member of the PBIS Team. I hope to become a coach at KDHS and involve myself in similar groups.” 

When not in school, you may find her immersed in one of her many hobbies. “My current hobbies include scrapbooking, doing puzzles and almost any type of puzzle book such as Sudoku or crosswords. I also like staying active by walking, gardening and playing with my cats. I love shopping, cooking/baking and spending time with my family and friends.”