Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Life
It’s true that becoming fit and going on a diet can make you become healthy in a way, but is that all there is to living a healthy life? The answer is no, not everyone has the same body type, the same food needs, etc. The point of living a healthy life is being the happiest and the best you can be in your own skin. That’s why I have listed and explained what you should do to live your healthiest life, no matter what you look like on the outside.
Drink a lot of water:
Most people don’t drink as much water as they should each day. Instead, they drink coffee, smoothies, juices, etc. Though black coffee and juices can be healthy to drink (at times), water most definitely has the most benefits.
If you drink enough water each day (about 12 cups), you will see a difference in your skin. Water aids in digestion, circulation, absorption, and even rids the body and skin of toxins. Therefore, you can have clear and glowing skin every day. Even two cups a day can increase blood flow to your skin, which gives it an even tone.
Water also helps with digestion. By drinking lots of water you can flush food down which can help eliminate any sense of being bloated. Also, the water helps break down the food, so it’s easier for your body to absorb the nutrients. Hence, no constipation.
Be more active:
Being active doesn’t have to mean working out; being active can mean many things. Instead of staying in bed or moping on the couch every day, try doing something active, like cleaning, walking your dog, hanging with friends, even shopping. There are so many things you can do that are active, it’s all about standing up and doing something with your life.
In addition, being active can even help you fall asleep faster and easier. For example, if you stay in bed watching television all day or just not moving around, it’s going to be hard to fall asleep. But, if you do something with your day while staying productive and active, you will be more tired, hence, sleeping faster and easier.
On top of that, being active can also make you happier and excited for the day. Staying at home in one spot all day can make people bummed, sad, and create a non-motivational environment. The longer you wait, the harder it gets to have the motivation to be active.
Therefore, doing something with your day can help you mentally and physically.
Limit Screen Time:
Electronics are a huge key to how we communicate and go about our lives, but at times, they can be too much.
Many may not know this, but having too much screen time can decrease your focus. There’s no actual evidence yet to state this statement is true. But, Doctors have hypothesized that screens could inhibit certain aspects of a child’s development by narrowing their focus.
Additionally, we have so many screen options, that it’s so easy and tempting to be on one or more at the same time. We have televisions, phones, tablets, computers, even smart home screens. It’s so easy to become engrossed by them.
This also applies to social media. It can change your mood very fast, and usually, this happens negatively. At times, social media can be difficult for our minds.
The Childs Mind Institute have created studies and has proven over half a million eighth through 12th graders found that the number exhibiting high levels of depressive symptoms increased by 33 percent between 2010 and 2015.
Many things happen on social media that shouldn’t, for example, bullying, rumors, etc. That’s why it’s important to have a screen time limit for your mental health.
Make Time for Yourself:
Mental health is super important; it’s more important than physical health. To be healthy doesn’t mean having the perfect body and perfect skin. To be healthy means to be the best version of yourself on the inside and outside.
Being confident in your own skin is super important. If you don’t believe you’re beautiful, smart, kind; if you don’t see your own worth, then you can start to hate yourself and be negative about yourself. This negativity will transcend into other facets of your life–like relationships and your job.
Every morning when you wake up you should always look yourself in the mirror and say, “I’m perfect the way I am, and I love myself.” Or create another mantra for the day; something that inspires you to find the good in yourself.
Besides, you should always take the time to do something you love, like a hobby. By doing this, it creates happiness and it blocks out all the negative things in the world because you’re focused on one thing and one thing only. It’s almost like your mind is at a stop and all you’re thinking about is what you’re doing at that exact moment.
Some hobbies that have been trending now are decorating rooms (especially bedrooms), painting, nail care, and skincare.
Remember to love your body and mind, this can help create a peaceful mind and soul with no anxiety or depression.
Remember your good enough and that not everyone is supposed to be the same.
And lastly, remember to be confident in your own skin.

I am in 9th grade, so this year is my first time having Journalism as a class. I took this class because it's a way for me to become a better writer. Plus,...