Mini-THON Matchmaking Fundraiser
February 17, 2022
The Mini-THON matchmaking forms were filled out, and now it’s time to see the results.
Mini-THON is a club at many schools thats primary focus is to raise money for children’s cancer research. All profits from this fundraiser are donated to this cause.
Each year, Minithon offers students the opportunity to find their perfect matches – just in time for Valentines Day!
The Minithon co-advisor Robin Tarbert, sent out the email with the form link to the online quiz on January 26. In the email, she made sure t
The quiz asks a series of multiple choice questions. Some are as simple as “What’s your favorite color”; on the other hand, some of the questions were more abstract like “Which animal would be your spirit animal”.
While the questionnaire is free to fill out, it costs two dollars to purchase your results. The results were available to be purchased on February 14th and 15th.
“The results are always pretty popular–a few people buy them, then others follow–it catches on quickly. They are fun to read; it’s an enjoyable fundraiser for those who fill it out,” said Mini-THON advisor Grant Leonard.
The matches can be interpreted as romantic or platonic. The forms give you both male and female contenders which are listed by the matches in your grade first and followed by the remaining grades.
In previous years, Mini-THON handed out the questionnaires with paper and collected them, submitted them, and had to wait for the response papers–a timely ordeal . In order to make the data transfer process easier, the questionnaire is digital.
This has caused some issues with the participation of the fundraiser.
“Unfortunately, things that go digital are also easier to ignore. That has been the case with the Matchmaker fundraiser, as well. It’s hard to get students to take the time to go in and fill out something delivered by email when they have so many other things to be distracted by; viral TikTok videos are pretty addictive. We announce everything on KRAM, but kids often don’t catch what’s being said,” said Leonard.
Students who purchased their results found that they didn’t regret their decision.
“Last year my results were really accurate, it was so accurate that I think I was [matched] with a past crush,” said sophomore class President Margo Channel.
Some students loved this questionnaire, but saw room for improvement.
Junior Mackenzie Warner said, “While some of the questions were oddly specific and did not have the answer I would choose, it still covers a wide variety of answers to make it as accurate as it can,”
Regardless if the results will help you find “the one” or not, the questionnaire is a fun activity that is enjoyed by many and supports a good cause, the fight against childhood cancer.