Top Five Activites for High School Students

The winter months can be a drag with piles of schoolwork, the cold weather, and the limited sunshine. Even though these months can make us feel down, there’s ways to combat this! 


1. Go to the Gym


During the darker, cooler winter months, it can sometimes be hard to keep a positive attitude and mood. Although it is too cold to take a jog around the neighborhood, many gyms in the area are just a quick car ride away. 


Taking the time to stay physically active can help release endorphins in the brain and boost your attitude. 


It’s also a key part of being healthy. This is especially true for high school athletes, and working out over the off-season can help maintain strength and endurance for upcoming sports. 


Overall, time at the gym can increase mobility, flexibility, and improve your cardiovascular system and respiratory system.  

2. Hobbies


With plenty of time during the winter months spent inside, there are plenty of opportunities to try new hobbies. By doing different activities and projects, the winter months will go by even faster just in time for spring. 


Hobbies help to reduce boredom and create something positive to look forward to doing. By finding an activity that sparks joy, it can help you create a brighter outlook. 


Hobbies also help to combat internal struggles such anxiety and depression that tend to rage during the winter season. 


Not sure where to start to find a new hobby? Try searching “hobby” in Pinterest, Instagram, or TikTok. You could also take a trip to HobbyLobby in York, which has lots of options to choose from.

3. Binge Movies and TV Shows


Something easy and relaxing to do while being stuck inside is finding different shows and movies to watch. In the the post-Covid world, many different streaming services have made shows and movies easily accessible to those at home. 


To avoid the trap of being cooped up alone watching television (TV) in bed, try to plan a movie night each week with friends and family.


Sometimes with our busy day-to-day lives it can be hard to stay close with those in your life. But with the cold weather keeping everyone in, why not be stuck inside together. 

4. Be Outside


Although you may not be outside to swim or be at the beach, you can still spend time out in the sun and fresh air. The sun is a great source of vitamin D, which is crucial for absorbing calcium and fighting infections and sicknesses. 


Being outside during the winter can include bundling up to play in the snow or taking a walk to look for different animal trails in the woods. 


At night, it could be comforting to gather around a fire with friends and family to stay warm and enjoy the stars. 


5. Practice Self-Care 


Prioritizing yourself during these months inside is one of the best things you can do. Things such as keeping a journal or pampering yourself are great ways to practice self-care. Doing little things as well such as cooking healthy meals and taking warm baths or showers are also good.


By practicing self-care in different ways, it helps to remain mindful and keep yourself mentally healthy when things can get tough. Even small changes to our day can make a big difference. Try putting fresh sheets on your bed or organizing your closet. 


If you are in need of some additional ideas, here is a website that provides several different self-care options for teens. 


Everyone has a rough time staying positive during this time of year, but you’re not alone. Some of these five activities may help you stay bright.