Hocus Pocus, a classic Halloween movie, released on July 16, 1993, is about an old tale of three witches who steal children’s lives to make them look younger.
Directed by Kenny Ortega, the movie takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, from the view of Max Dennison, a 15-year-old boy, who struggles to fit into his new school after moving from Los Angeles, California.
While Max is trick-or-treating with his sister, he meets with his school crush and tries to impress her by getting them to visit the Sanderson Sisters’ house. Trying to appear brave, he lit the Black Flame Candle, causing the witches to come back after being banished. Max steals the witches’ Spellbook to save the children from the sisters, thus beginning the hunt.
This movie was based on the legends of the real Salem, MA, and the people’s alleged encounters with witches. Hocus Pocus had gone from a massive flop to possibly one of the most popular Halloween movies of all time.
This movie was rated a 6.9/10 on IMDb, 41% on Rotten Tomatoes, and a 3.5/5 on Letterboxd. Overall, 86% of people who watched it have actually liked the movie, some being half and half.
E! Online says, “Hocus Pocus has become the definitive Halloween movie and a pop culture staple,” emphasizing how much of an impact it has actually started to have on Halloween movie culture and how other movie makers want to grab people’s attention with it.
The representation of Halloween being a fun, yet creepy day is perfectly shown within the movie. From witches to black cats, it has it all.
Hocus Pocus presents some very good lessons within the movie, which could have a positive influence on any children watching it. One of the lessons we can learn from Hocus Pocus, as mentioned on a children’s website, is to “look out for those you love… By working with others, you can overcome incredible obstacles” (raisingchildren.net.au).
This lesson is exemplified by how Max acts throughout the film, as he goes to great lengths to protect his little sister. Additionally, the three children collaborate to defeat the witches and save the town.
When people think of Halloween, they think of cuddling up at home with a blanket, eating sweets, and watching a nice Halloween movie. When people think of Halloween, they should be thinking about Hocus Pocus.
The movie has been a part of many childhoods for over 30 years, captivating audiences with its slightly scary yet intriguing story.
There is certainly something for teens and adults to enjoy with a funny and caring love aspect. This combination creates a perfect movie for families to binge during the spooky season in October.