Male Faculty Grow Some Killer ‘Staches


Winner of the MOvember mustache fundraiser, Shayne Joyce.

Adam Steiner, Editor-in-Chief

On November 22, the MOvember fundraiser for the Sunshine Fund had its final round of voting, with french teacher Shane Joyce being the winning contestant.

Joyce will now have to keep his mustache throughout the month of December.

Joyce stated that he is glad to win and help out a good cause. On the flip side, he also revealed that his wife hasn’t kissed him in about two weeks because of it.

The final four contestants were Assistant Principal Chad Brindle; Joyce; English teacher Grant Leonard; and science teacher Ryan Rupp.

In total, the MOvember fundraiser raised $142.39 for the Sunshine Fund. Joyce had the winning amount with $79 dollars placed into his jar. Leonard came in second with $49.07 raised, Brindle in third with $9.37, and Rupp in last with $4.95.

The money in the Sunshine Fund is used to help needy children around the district, as well as The Cove, which is now operating out of room 11.  

The original contestants consisted of fourteen staff members from around the school; for a full list of contestants and the final poll data, please click here.

Science teacher Kyle Hardenbrook and the school social services coordinator Kara Vojcsik created the fundraiser to coordinate with the popular “No Shave November” trend.

When questioned on his inspiration for starting the MOvember Hardenbrook said: “So I shaved my face on October 30th; I left a mustache to scare my kids and then I realized, we could make money off this.”

Hardenbrook then took the initiative to invite all male employees to participate in the fundraiser; he sent an e-mail outlining the rules and requirements for participation.

All participants must grow a mustache only (no beards) from November 1-15.

Rupp stated that he chose to participate in the MOvember fundraiser because “I just didn’t feel like shaving.”

The contest progressed as follows: The first round of voting took place on November 16, with the poll and attached photos being emailed to the student body. This was the “initial cut.”

The second round of voting required students and staff to vote for their favorite ‘stache by putting money in charts at lunches.

While our proceeds benefited The Sunshine Fund, MOvember and No Shave November are to on-going fundraisers that you can always take part in or donate to.