How to Cope With the Second Marking Period

Studying; it’s something that every student has to do and every student struggles with. As the marking period comes to a close, if your grades aren’t where you would like them to be, maybe you should reconsider the way you study.

Well, do not fret, I have done intensive research to crack the code to the prefect studying method.

The first step to this flawless method of studying is getting motivated. This can be as simple as playing music that inspires you or even asking yourself why you want to get better grades in the first place.

Ways to motivate yourself can be simple rewards, for example every time you get an A on a test with a small new purchase.  

The second step is making sure that you actually understand the material that you need to study. In order to do this, try to participate in class discussions and take notes if your teacher is giving a lecture.

If you were absent, make sure you meet with your teacher or a friend to help you understand any material you may have missed.

According to, reviewing the material frequently is a very efficient way to ensure that you remember everything before a test.  To do this, just take maybe 15-30 minutes out of your day to review subjects that might be a bit more challenging. Do this by making a quizlet or just reading over your notes a few times.

Step three is to avoid procrastination at all costs. Procrastination always ends in so much more stress; avoid it by get into the habit of starting homework and studying earlier, rather than putting off work until the last minute.

If you are not already, attempt to be more organized. Get folders for each class and use an agenda; these will help with studying and stress in the long run.

Having some kind of a planner to write down homework and studying will help as well. The best way to do this is to write down your homework and due dates as well as when any upcoming quizzes or test are and how to prepare for them.

Try to start a studying schedule; write down all of the things you need to do, and take short brain breaks in between each thing. This will help to keep from getting overwhelmed if you have an abundance of work.

There are a lot of apps to help keep track of assignments and upcoming tests. Some of the best are The Homework app, which you can use to organize classes and assignments, and MyStudyLife where you can organize what assignments and it will remind you of unfinished assignments.

A brain break is a quick break, maybe 10 to 15 minutes, to do things to clear your head. For example getting a small snack and/or drink of water, spend some quality time with pets, or just go for a walk and take a breath.

In addition, always make sure that you are doing your homework, although it does not seem like it, homework really is a good way to review all the things that you just learned in school.

If you create a study schedule, then stick to the routine.

Keep in mind that everyone struggles with studying and keeping up with grades, especially throughout high school and college, so you’re not alone. Try these few simple method of improving studying and you are sure to, at the very least, have less stress.

If you have any additional tips about how to study and do homework in a manageable way, feel free to leave a comment.