FunTime Cinema Cards Given to Students

Julie Plummer, Reporter

As of several weeks ago, in late October, teachers handed out FunTime Cinema cards to our students.

Using the card, students are able to get free admission at FunTime Cinemas at one of the few locations listen on the card.

Locations include South York, Colonial Park, and Kendig Square.

It all started with an e-mail from FunTime Cinemas to our administration, where they offered to send the cards to our school in order to be distributed to students.

Principal Heather Venné asked Vice Principal Todd Mulder to look more into the cards, and he followed up on the e-mail.

The Cinema wanted these cards to be distributed to students when a teacher notices a student acting in a positive manner, similar to our Ram Rewards.

Mulder responded to the email with our school’s population and address, and agreed to giving out the cards.

Once he received the cards, it appeared to Mulder that there wasn’t much of a response, although not exactly a negative issue.

“I did not make a big deal of it [cards] during class because we have so much to get to, and I didn’t want commercial products to cut into curriculum time,” wrote English teacher Ed Smith.

Teachers asked a few questions to Mulder regarding the expectations to give out the cards and once giving them out, students didn’t seem to say much.

The Cinema expected that one card per person was to be given out; however, the teachers were allowed to hand them out at their own discretion.

Although not much feedback, Mulder was more than happy to spread the positivity.

“When students are doing right, it feels good to be recognized,” he said.

Mulder believes this will help improve the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (P.B.I.S) program.

Mulder hopes to spread positivity throughout the school and believes that when rewarded, students will continue to be positive.

The only drawback there appears to be is that the students enjoy the Ram Rewards more than the cards and the locations might be too far for some students.

He doesn’t believe this is the only way to recognize positive behavior, however, and wants to continue to encourage students to spread positivity.

Mulder said that “all suggestions are welcome from students on how to make KD better,” and he believes there is always room to improve the school.