Best Ways to Keep Your Mental Health in Check

Riley Kirwin, Reporter

While some people regard mental health disorders as a possible “phase,” Mental Health America identifies more than 200 kinds of mental health disorders. Mental health disorders can affect one’s focus, self-esteem, social abilities, sleep, eating habits, and much more. There are various ways to keep your mental health in check, so it does not negatively impact your everyday life.

The following are some of the most beneficial ways to maintain a healthy mentality.

1. Get at least eight hours of sleep

Sleep quantity and quality ties into our daily lives. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it is scientifically proven that a lack of sleep can increase blood pressure and potentially exacerbate already existing conditions like depression and anxiety.

Getting at least eight hours of sleep can improve one’s focus during the day, as well as immensely improve their mood without morning coffee being involved.


2. Express your feelings

It is often that teens don’t tell others about their troubles because they feel helpless and alone. It is also labelled as a ‘sign of weakness’ for some people. However, it is important to know that there is always someone to talk to in times of need.

These people could include a trusted friend, parent, teacher, coach, etc. If there is a deep feeling that there really is no one to talk to, try seeing a therapist to talk about your feelings. 

It’s plain and simple, it is not a sign of weakness to look after your mental health by talking to others about it. Just having someone listen to your problems can allow you to clear your mind and feel relief.

 Expressing your feelings can cause a positive chain reaction, other people will be affected and feel that it is okay to express their feelings, which it totally is!


3. Take it one day at a time

Teens and adults often feel the weight of their problems impacting their mental health on an everyday basis. The best way to deal with this issue is to set simple goals for each day.

By setting daily goals, you’re not putting too much pressure on yourself. This is true in academic, social, and athletic situations. For example, if you have a big project to complete, taking it one step per day can diminish the feeling of being overwhelmed. 

By allotting a bit of time each day, you can get the project done without all the stress. But this method won’t work if you procrastinate. That will only make each step more difficult and add more stress.

Keep the goals in check as you go throughout your day, and the feeling of accomplishment will soon come after you complete your goal.


4. Take a break

This can apply to almost any situation that can feel overwhelming. Many often criticize this solution because less work gets done. The issue with this is people take too long of a break, which is simply procrastination.

Taking short breaks throughout the day can improve the quality of your work or social ability. Meg Selig from Psychology Today said “The [Prefrontal Cortex] is also responsible for logical thinking, executive functioning, and using willpower to override impulses”. It would be best to give this part of the brain a break every once in a while in order to keep its functions running smoothly, and therefore getting work done efficiently.

 If your social battery runs out, simply tell the people around you that you need to step out for a minute. If work gets too stressful, there’s always the option to ask for help, but stepping away for five minutes to take a breather can easily relieve stress.


5. Maintain healthy eating/ drinking habits

Physical health always plays a role in mental health. According to Sutter Health, poor eating habits can cause fatigue, impaired decision making, anxiety, as well as depression. In addition, studies done by Healthline found that people who intake more water have lower chances of anxiety and depression disorders.

Any scientific study can tell you that eating healthy, drinking water, and exercising can improve mental health. Keeping a healthy diet can improve focus throughout the day, as well as feeling more alert.

Mental health needs to be regarded as a top priority each day. With these strategies, alongside others, well-being will not seem as impossible to keep up with.